Bitumen decanter or bitumen melting machine converts the bitumen into liquid for using in various applications. This is done by use of hot oil that is circulated in pipelines surrounded by bitumen barrels in a chamber. Thermal oil circulation allows the chamber to get hot and which in turn generates enough heat for the solid bitumen to melt. This is a safe and economical way to decant the bitumen from barrels. This liquid bitumen is then used in making asphalt mixers for use in road construction.

How bitumen drum decanter works?

Working of bitumen decanter is simple. It uses hot gas to melt the bitumen from the barrels. The process is easy, safe and reliable. The bitumen melting process is economical so it is beneficial for the user. All the heating process is done in a closed chamber, it is a safe process. Hot oil is passed from its heating unit continuously into the closed chamber. Due to the heat generated by these hot oil circulation into the closed chamber, it allows melting of bitumen. As the bitumen is melted, it will be pumped out of the storage chamber.

Atlas bitumen decanter 10 tph

Working of bitumen decanter is categorized into 3 steps

The process of bitumen melting is simple, we categorize this process into 3 steps as below:

  • Feeding the barrels
  • Heating process
  • Pumping out the bitumen

Empty drums are fed into the melting chamber and this is done by use of hydraulically operated arms. The method is fairly simple and easy to use. Hydraulic power pack is provided with the machine in order to assist this job.

This process is assisted by the flowing hot oil inside the chamber. This hot oil comes from a separate unit called as the thermic oil heater. As the hot oil flows from the pipelines located near the barrels they help in melting the bitumen present in the barrels. This ensure reliable and safe bitumen melting process.

As the bitumen from the barrel starts melting it will fall down in the storage chamber. This storage chamber will then store bitumen for a short time or will pump out the bitumen for further usage.

Key components of bitumen decanter.

The major components of a bit decanter will include:

  • Heating chamber
  • Thermic oil heater
  • Bitumen barrel feeding arms which are hydraulic
  • Hydraulic power pack unit
  • Pipelines for the oil transfer between thermic oil heater and the melting chamber.
  • Bitumen pumping system

“The key here is to get the maximum heat generated with the use of thermal oil circulation inside the heating / melting chamber by use of least possible energy.”

What capacities of drummed bitumen decanters are offered?

Atlas manufactures and exports bitumen decanters in various sizes and capacities. Our scope of supply is not limited to smaller versions of bitumen decanters. Instead we are also focusing on bigger models to serve wide range of customers with their needs.

Our smallest models offered are with 18 barrels and 27 barrels. Both these models are containerised designs. We also have bigger models to accommodate 40, 50 and 60 barrels. Such a wide range of manufacturing capacity of decanters allow us to serve wide customer preferences.

Bitumen decanter 10 tph with gas burner export

Usually the bitumen drum decanters are offered with diesel burners. As per custom demand we are also capable of offering gas burners for their bitumen decanting machine. Gas burners can prove to be very capable in saving energy consumption cost related to the melting of bitumen. Above is the photo of Atlas 10 tph bitumen drum decanter offered with a gas burner. It is exported to one of our valued customer in Africa.

Whatever your requirement may be related to the melting of bitumen barrels, we have got solutions for the same. Contact us with your requirement and we will be happy to help.

Atlas Industries

Atlas is manufacturer and exporter of civil and road construction equipment from India. We expertise in custom grade professional solutions for our customers. Our exports to 38 countries (and growing) proves that our solutions have been well accepted by professionals around the world. We export products that are a right mix of price and quality. Our equipment are performing non-stop in different locations in the globe.

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