Road sweepers india

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Road Sweepers India



Mechanical Broom
Mechanical broom manufactured by Atlas Industries is an extremely sturdy machine designed to undertake the road cleaning process with precision. Mechanical broom are tractor or any suitable vehicle driven. They come with metal or nylon brostles or a combination of both the bristles. These bristles used in the road sweepers are durable and designed for long life.




Broom Water Sprinkling
Atlas also manufactures Mechanical road sweepers with water sprinkling system. This type of road cleaning equipment uses water to settle down dust before the sweeping process takes place. The sweeping equipment is easy to move and use and does not require skilled labour.



Hydraulic Broom
Hydraulic broom manufactured by Atlas is very easy to operate and low on maintenance. It is simple and ease to use and also an ideal road cleaning equipment and can move easily by attaching it to the roer of the tractor. The hydraulic broom is an extremely durable machine and is tougly built for Indian conditions.