Bitumen sprayers
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- Bitumen Sprayers

Bitumen pressure distributor are used for uniformly spraying of hot asphalt cement on the road before the hot mix asphalt is laid. When hot bitumen is sprayed on the road, it acts as a binding agent between the road surface and the material and helps the HMA to gel with the surface quickly. This equipment usually comes with a tank for storage of bitumen and a spraying system for uniformly spraying of bitumen on the road. Usually Bitumen Sprayer are truck mounted and in various capacities which can fit any truck. Small sprayers which are self towable are also available.
[4 T | 6 T | 8 T | 10 T | 12 T]
Mini bitumen sprayer as the name suggests is a small sprayer compared to its truck mounted counterpart. The purpose of this equipment is the same as the sprayer. It comes in a much smaller size mounted on axle and is self towable by any suitable vehicle. There is a provision for storage of bitumen and pressurized spraying of hot bitumen by means of a hand spray nozzle since it is mostly used to touch up the road sides after the sprayer has sprayed. Spray bar can also be fitted with this equipment. Ideal for tight construction places and narrow roads where the truck mounted sprayer cannot go.