It is worth noting that asphalt plant price affects the buying of asphalt mix plants to a great extent. The first priority is always to finalize the size and styles of an asphalt mixing plant. Price also pays an important role when it is the time to finalize. If the project is for short duration customer can choose asphalt plant with low price or low specifications. Because they don’t intent to shift or reuse the same for more time. But if the project is for long duration then the selection has to be done carefully. Cost may not be a major factor in case you are an established company looking to expand your market. In that case you have experience and just need proper equipment to boost your business.

Sometimes as we note that there are many companies who just go out there and buy hot mix asphalt as per their requirement. But many times they get frustrated because of asphalt hot mix quality. The situation is not in their hands. As they are dependant on a supplier, they have to sometimes bear the loss for the supplier mistake. For example, we all know that when an asphalt plant is working it engages many machines like dumper, paver, compactor. There are many labours engaged in the operation of the same and several other labours engaged in supportive work. Since the dependency of hot mix asphalt is critical it can cause headaches. The loss of productivity is there if asphalt is not delivered on time. Sometimes things just don’t get to be right for companies if the dependency is on an unfaithful supplier. This is one of the reasons many companies prefer to buy their own hot mix asphalt plant.
Asphalt plant operating cost
Owning an asphalt plant is one part, understanding the operating cost related to the same is another. The operating price of asphalt mixing plant can vary on the type that you select. As a general rule batch plants will be costlier to own, operate and maintain. Drum plants are usually cheaper to own and maintain. However the perk of a batch plant-like best quality of mix asphalt will outrun the cheaper cost of drum plant. Asphalt plant cost varies from model to model.
The very basic asphalt mix plant can start from as low price as $ 45,000. It can go up to $ 2-3 million. The price highly depends on the capacity of the asphalt plant and the type (whether batch type or drum type). The cost is also affected by mobility factor and the accessories that can be added.
- Capacity: It is simple logic that smaller capacity of the asphalt plant will cost less compared to the bigger models. Usually price of bigger models increase in higher proportions.
- Type: There are two types of asphalt plants – continuous type and batch type. The batch type plant has more functions. It is complicated than a drum plant and hence costlier to own and operate.
- Mobility: If the plant is mobile the cost will be more.
- Accessories: More the accessories, heavier the price customer pays.

Selecting an asphalt plant should be careful process. It should take time analyzing the needs and requirements in details. Conveying all the details to the manufacturer and getting equipment details from them that suit your requirement should be considered.
An asphalt mixing plant may cost less initially but if the fuel efficiency is not great or it is not capable to produce enough tons per hour then all the efforts are in vain. Usually, a first-time buyer will make the mistake of going with the lower price machine. Price is indeed an important factor but it is not only the factor. Cost of an asphalt plant should not be overlooked other factors and it should not affect the buying decision.
Return on investment cost for asphalt plant
A well made decision will make sure that the return on investment cost of asphalt plant is taken care of in less than 5 years. If you are new to the business this may seem to be a bit more time because you have invested a lot of money and it takes time to understand the basics of the business. If you are into paving and now own an asphalt mixing plant then you can see the ROI quickly. It will be very easy and fast to see your money growing.
If you own your own machine then you need not worry about waiting pavers and trucks. You can produce as and when required without depending on others. Shorter waiting time will translate to more profits. This will automatically fasten the return on investment time. There are number of factors that will help if you own your own machine.
If you are producing your own hot mix asphalt you are now not dependant on your supplier. This means that his delivery as well as price fluctuations will not affect you. The benefits are huge and increased productivity will heap returns fast. Contact Atlas Industries.
A plant that is easy to maintain and run will give profits not only immediately but also in the longer run.