Asphalt (or bitumen) is a wonder element. It is so well used in an asphalt mixing plant for road construction process. The process of road construction involves use of liquid bitumen (asphalt) in an asphalt plant to produce hot mix asphalt. The addition of all the materials is in a fixed proportion and at an elevated temperature to deliver a homogeneous mix. This is used for laying on the road to make road pavement.
It is a common knowledge that asphalt mixing plant for road construction is for producing hot mix asphalt. There are 2 types as per their functionality:
• Continuous type
• Batch type
There is a big process difference in both the types. In simple terms a continuous type plant will produce hot mix asphalt in a continuous process. Similarly, we can say that a batch type plant will product hot mix asphalt in a batch.
Atlas is manufacturer and exporter of both the types of asphalt plants, we are based in Mehsana, India. Our range of asphalt mixers start from as low as 20 tph to as high as 260 tph. In both the types we have stationary as well as mobile type. Customers have full range of options when they deal with us for their purchase of an equipment.

Stationary asphalt drum mix type plant in road construction
A stationary asphalt drum type plant is the widely used in road construction. It is a continuous type and it produces hot mix asphalt in a continuous manner. Its advantage is its small space requirement for operating. We can even say that the running cost is less and the end product produced is of decent quality.
The basic components of the stationary asphalt drum mix plant are all working in tandem to produce quality result and output.
We manufacture and supply different capacities like 20-30 tph, 40-60 tph, 60-90 tph, 90-120 tph, and 12-150 tph. Capacities above 150 tph are also available upon request. Our different installations of the stationary asphalt drum mix plant are in Libya, Nigeria, Myanmar, Philippines, Mozambique, Oman, Morocco, Peru, Samoa, Libya, Botswana, and Lebanon.

Stationary asphalt drum mix plant components:
Stationary asphalt drum plants are easy to use, easy on the pocket. They are also easy to transport, own and maintain. The components are few in number and operation is relatively simple. Below are the details of the stationary asphalt drum mix plant components.
• Cold aggregate feeding bins: Cold aggregate feeding bins are usually four in number. They store gravel and sand in different bins as per their size. The aggregate material flow will be controlled individually from each bin.
• Single deck vibrating screen: Single deck vibrating screen job is to filter out all the oversized aggregates before they enter the drum.
• Slinger conveyor: A slinger / charging conveyor has a load cell. It will help transfer the aggregates into the drying and mixing drum. The load cell fitted on the slinger conveyor will weigh the aggregates and send data to the control panel.
• Fuel tank for drum burner: Drum burner in order to have a steady supply of fuel is provided with a sufficient capacity fuel tank.
• Drying and mixing drum: Drying and mixing drum is one of the most important components of an asphalt drum mix plant. This is the heart of the machine. It does two important jobs. The first job is of uniformly drying the aggregates, secondly, it will do the homogeneous mixing to produce hot mix asphalt.
• Mineral filler: Mineral filler has to be weighed and added separately. A mineral filler unit will do this job. It receives command from the control panel to flow the required quantity of the filler material.
• Bitumen tank: Bitumen tanks will be used for storage, heating and supply of liquid bitumen. Bitumen is used as a binder material here. The flow of bitumen will be controlled from the control panel.
• Pollution control device: Usually a drum mix plant has to be fitted with a wet dust collector. It is also possible to have bag filters with a counter-flow design asphalt plant.
• Load out conveyor with silo: Once the material is discharged from the drum after mixing, load out conveyor will discharge the same into waiting trucks. Optional hot mix storage silo units can also be provided for the temporary storage.
• Control panel: The Control panel room will store the controlling device for the asphalt mix plant. All the functions of the components are controlled by control panel and it is one of the important components.
Batch asphalt type plant in road construction
A batch type asphalt plant is more modern and accurate used in road construction process. It produces quality hot mix asphalt in batches. It is more complicated and has a greater number of components than a continuous type. However, the sheer accuracy and the options a batch type provides makes this machine the best in terms of road construction.
We manufacture and export batch asphalt mix plants in different capacities ranging from 60 tph to 260 tph. The best part about this machine is that it is able to produce high-quality asphalt. Its accurate weighing is the ultimate advantage that this machine offers. It also allows considerable savings of fuel.
We have installed more than 110 units of asphalt batch plants, some of them with a cold recycling unit. We have exported these into countries like Myanmar, Nepal, Bangladesh, Philippines, etc.

Batch Type Asphalt Plant Components:
Atlas a leading supplier and exporter of batch asphalt plants. This type is preferred for more stringent jobs as it can product top quality of hot mix asphalt. Some components of this machine are similar to the standard drum mixer equipment. The key components are as below:
• Cold aggregate bins: Cold aggregate bins are mostly four in number. However, depending on the customer’s requirement and mix design they can be more in number. It will store aggregates and sand in different bins as per their size. Material flow from each of the bin is controlled by a variable speed drive motor.
• Primary vibrating screen: A single deck vibrating screen is the primary vibrating screen. Its job is to remove all the oversized aggregates prior to entering the drum.
• Slinger conveyor: Slinger (charging conveyor) will allow transfer of the aggregates to the drying drum.
• Drying drum: Drying drum here is dedicated drum unit for drying of the aggregates. Its only job is to evenly heat the aggregates so that aggregate moisture content can be brought down and aggregates have to be heated properly prior to coating.
• Bag filter: Bag filter unit for pollution control is the standard equipment fitted with the asphalt batch mixing plant. It is very effective and uses bags to trap all the dust. Bag filter is equipped with a dry dust collector unit to trap all the heavy dust.
• Tower unit for the hot asphalt batch plant: Tower unit consists of different components. The first one being the hot aggregate elevator unit. Its job is to transfer the hot aggregates on top of the tower unit. We have multi deck vibrating screen unit on top of the tower unit. This helps to separate different aggregates in different bins and store them in separate compartments called hot bins. Hot bins are located just below the tower unit. Below the hot bins lies the mixing unit. It will receive aggregates, bitumen and filler material in fixed proportions for mixing.
• Bitumen tank: Bitumen tanks of sufficient capacity are provided. It is possible to increase or decrease the capacity of the bitumen tanks. Bitumen is maintained in a liquid form in the tanks. These are fully insulated tanks. Bitumen from the tanks flows into a weighing unit. Here it is weighed prior to addition into the mixing unit.
• Filler addition: For addition of filler (binder) material a filler hopper or filler silo will be provided. Filler material is transferred via a screw conveyor into the filler weigh scale. After weighing filler material will be added into the mixing unit.
• Control panel: Here all the plant operations are controlled. Here we set the recipe, set the required temperature, gate opening and closing timing, etc. Control panel also helps to maintain adequate records of the material that is produced including daily reports.
Customizations to suit the requirement of the customer is possible. We are very flexible to adapt to the growing customer requirements. This certainly helps us to maximize productivity and profitability for the customers. Get More Information Contact Atlas Industries.