The 20-30 tph asphalt drum mixer plant by Atlas Industries is known for its high mobility factor. Its distinct advantage is its proven design and compact size. The plant is successfully exported by us in many countries around the world. This blog is about recently exported plant to Maldives. It is preferred by customers for small size and versatility. The best advantage this can offer is quality of hot mix asphalt in a small mobile drum mixer.
Customer’s requirement was for a small and portable machine which was easy and hazzle free to transport. The customer who imported the 20-30 tph asphalt drum mixer in Maldives is a leading road construction company. They are known for undertaking large scale projects in India and abroad. They are our long term customers and use more than 30 different equipment manufactured by Atlas. Our long term association and fast service have allowed them to not look beyond Atlas.

20-30 tph drum mixer exporter Maldives
Understanding the customer’s requirement for this 20-30 tph drum mixer export to Maldives was important for us. The plant was designed keeping in mind mobility factor. Customer was explained the features of this asphalt mixer exported to Maldives. It is very important to understand the requirement and then propose a suitable equipment.
This plant will be used for Addu city development project in Maldives. It is for construction of asphalt 2 lane road. A 6 kms long bridge will also be asphalted using this plant.
This time their requirement was for a small and portable asphalt plant which was easily movable. Since the project requirement was not big, they wanted a plant that would fit their requirement. The key requirement was also to have a machine that was easy for containerized transport movement and faster to install.
We offered them our MDM 25 model which is rated at 20-30 tph. It is offered with 2 x 2 aggregate bins and a compact chassis structure. The entire plant was transported into 2 x 40 ft. + 1 x 20 ft. containers meaning less transportation costs.
The offered plant is complete in all aspects including feeder bins, drum unit, 12 tons bitumen tank, wet dust collector, fuel storage tank. Control panel offered is PLC type with SCADA for remote trouble shooting facility.
We sent a technician for hassle free installation of the machine. Installation and trial run of the machine was offered to the outmost satisfaction of the customer.
We have customized solutions to cater to different customers requirements. Constant communication with customer to understand their requirement helps us to propose them a machine best suited for their needs.